30+ years of experience in global and regional executive management roles (Asia, Europe, Latin America) complemented with reinsurance and capital markets underwriting.  MA Eugster Consulting was established 2009 with a focus on expansion and turnaround projects and start up investments.


Dr.rer.publ. HSG (Ph.D.), International Affairs and Political Economy, University of St.Gallen (1995)

Lic.rer.publ. HSG (M.A.), International Affairs and Governance, University of St.Gallen (1991)


Business Angel & Advisory

Investor and board member in start ups. Excellent track-record in creating new businesses, attracting talent and building high performance teams.

Reinsurance Strategy

Global and international CEO / CUO roles with a focus on establishing new operations from scratch and implementing succesfull business strategies.

Turnaround Management

Project lead of successful international restructurings and integrations. Build up of new companies, underwriting restructuring, team reorganisation.

Credit Expertise

Credit product & market  know how (trade finance, credit & surety re/insurance, credit derivatives), international structuring and deal execution.

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